Our Vision
To improve the continuity of care for Long-Term Care residents by streamlining transitions between care institutions, leading to safer care for Ontarians, and more efficient workflows for providers.
HIMSS Ontario Chapter – Digital Health Innovation Conference November 2022
The Project AMPLIFI team had the pleasure of participating in the HIMSS (Health Information Management System Society) Ontario Chapter – Digital Health Innovation Conference last month. The conference provided the opportunity to network with industry leaders, learn about exciting digital health initiatives in Ontario and abroad, as well as share the exciting work we are doing as part of Project AMPLIFI with the broader digital health community.
Team members, Dr. Dan Perri (Chief Medical Officer, Project AMPLIFI) and Tyler Aird (Senior Project Manager, Project AMPLIFI) presented their work on the pilot study that preceded Project AMPLIFI. The pilot project enabled the sharing of resident health information between St. Joseph’s Villa Long-Term Care home in Dundas, Ontario and St. Joseph’s hospital. The pilot demonstrated value for residents and health care providers and resulted in funding to expand health information exchange across the province. As a result, SJHH was tasked to lead Project AMPLIFI by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Long-Term Care.
The conference was humming with enthusiasm and interest about Project AMPLIFI – The Project AMPLIFI speaking session was standing room only!
To learn more about the pilot project and associated findings, we encourage you to refer to the published pilot study paper for further details.
Ontario Minister of Health, Sylvia Jones, MPP, visits St. Joseph’s Villa to share in the success of Project AMPLIFI
On Monday, December 5th, members of the SJHH Digital Solutions leadership team, along with leadership from PointClickCare, St. Joseph’s Villa, and CAN Health Network welcomed Sylvia Jones, Ontario Minister of Health, to St. Joseph’s Villa, the inaugural site of the innovative clinical data exchange between hospitals and LTCHs. The Minister had the opportunity to meet with leadership and end-users of the new functionality who highlighted the valuable role it plays in improving patient and health care worker experience at points of transition between hospital and LTC.
Project AMPLIFI is grateful for the continued support and partnership of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Long-Term Care on this important initiative.
Project AMPLIFI is live on Social Media!
We welcome you to connect with us on Twitter (@Project_AMPLIFI) and LinkedIn (Project AMPLIFI) and join the conversation about digital health, care transitions, quality care, and the important role Project AMPLIFI contributes to these priority areas of healthcare in Ontario.
How to Learn More
- Connect with the Project Team by emailing us at projectamplifi@stjoes.ca
- Familiarize yourself with resources within PointClickCare by selecting “help” and search for “clinical data exchange”
- Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn